Saturday, December 5, 2009

WoW Leveling Addon and Mod Definitions

AddOn is just some files you can put in your game folder that can improve your interaction with the World of Warcraft game (i.e. make it easier to play, or give you more information about what's going on in the game).

Often the name modification (or "mod" for short) is used interchangeably with AddOn. More specifically, mod is a third-party AddOn that alters or enhances some aspect of World of Warcraft's interface. Mods can perform a wide variety of tasks, including adding new buttons to the screen, altering the built-in player and party frames. In extreme cases, mods completely supplant the standard WoW interface, usually offering more advanced functionality.

Some mods are standalone, able to run without any additional software. Others are built on libraries such as Sea or Ace. Still others, such as Cosmos, are compilations of many individually-developed mods.

Make sure you do not have any extra spaces at the end of the line with the filename specified. If you do, the extra space is taken as part of the filename and will cause your AddOn to silently fail to load.

Nowadays, leveling addons are getting more and more popular. Because you don't have to alt tab out of the game constantly to check what the guide says, besides you will see exactly what to do in the game. Using an in game leveling addon will save you hours of frustration with certain quests, increase your leveling speed and overall increase the enjoyability of World of Warcraft.

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